Tuesday, November 26, 2013

ARCH 653 Building Information Modeling Project. 2

Project 2. Additional Dynamo Input
1. Final Revit + Dynamo Model
Installment solar panels on top of previous revit building model
2. Solar tracing collector.
2.1 Approach
 Based on angle of rotation axis, coordinate (latitude), and equinox date, daily optimum solar panel angle could be deduced.
2.2 Target date input and representation number of days passed from equinox calculation
Based on assumption that the shape of the earth is perfect sphere, the angle is constantly changed.
2.3 Panel angle calculation

Results from number of day passed by since the equinox, connected to angle calculation. the angle variance is within the angle of rotation axis, 23.5.

 2.4 Main input and result from the dynamo file

Before choosing the target date, selecting the solar panel objects are required.
The results data, angle of solar panel is represented with radian degree.
3. Results view of solar panel angle variation.

Solar panel angle at Dec. 1st

Solar panle angle at July. 1st 
